Ryan Gabe Thomas, PMP Portfolio

UX Design

Product Manager with Agile and Human-Centered Design, optimizing UX

As a UX Designer, I use a variety of skills and techniques to create successful designs. One of the most important skills is user research. By conducting thorough research, I gain a deep understanding of the needs, desires, and pain points of the users. This allows me to design solutions that truly meet their needs.

Journey mapping is another technique that I use to ensure that the user experience is seamless and intuitive. By mapping out the user’s journey from start to finish, I can identify areas where the experience can be improved and make adjustments accordingly.

Prototyping and wireframing are also essential skills for a UX Designer. These techniques allow me to quickly iterate on designs and test different ideas before committing to a final design. By creating low-fidelity prototypes and wireframes, I can get feedback from users early on in the design process and make changes accordingly.

Personas are another tool that I use to ensure that my designs are user-centered. By creating fictional characters that represent different user types, I can design solutions that are tailored to each user’s specific needs.

Usability testing is also an important part of my design process. By testing my designs with real users, I can identify areas where the experience can be improved and make changes accordingly.

Finally, empathy is a critical skill for any UX Designer. By putting myself in the shoes of the user, I can design solutions that truly meet their needs and create a positive user experience.

Ryan Thomas: Technical Expertise in Cloud Computing - AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Mastery


User Research

Journey Mapping

User Personas



Usability Testing




Critical Thinking


Information Architecture

Adobe XD

